An emergency medical situation in your workplace, home, or public space can be traumatising if you are not equipped with the skills and knowledge to provide immediate and effective first aid care. To ensure that you can always keep those around you safe from life-threatening emergencies, it is imperative that you receive first aid training. In this guide, we briefly answer 9 of the most common questions about first aid training. We offer accredited and professional first aid training that will equip you with the expertise and confidence to offer first aid care to your loved ones or colleagues.
The student will:
1) Learn how to prevent medical emergencies from occurring.
2) Learn all of the steps that need to be taken prior to delivering care during a
medical emergency.
3) Learn the normal functions of the human body to know when the body is not
functioning properly.
4) Learn how to assess a victim during a medical emergency to determine what
care is needed.
5) Learn to perform CPR on adult, child, and infant victims.
6) Learn to use an AED on adult, child and infant victims.
7) Learn how to manage breathing emergencies in adult, child, and infant
8) Learn how to manage soft tissue injuries and bleeding.
9) Learn how to manage musculoskeletal injuries.
10) Learn how to care for a variety of forms of sudden illness.
Acting in an Emergency
The Human Body
Assessing the Victim
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
Automated External Defibrillators (AED)
Airway Obstructions
Controlling Bleeding
Wounds and Soft Tissue Injuries
Head and Spinal Injuries
Chest, Abdominal and Pelvic Injuries
Bone, Joint and Muscle Injuries
Extremity Injuries and Splinting
Sudden Illness
Substance Misuse and Abuse
Bites and Stings
Cold and Heat Emergencies
Rescuing and Moving Victims